Persian Lamb Biryani


Persian Lamb Biryani : Ingridients

1 lamb leg roast whole

2 onions chopped 

4 garlic minced 

5 Tablespoons tomato paste 

1 Tablespoon turmeric powder 

2 fresh chillies 

900ml water to boil 

2 cups rice

Olive oil

Salt & pepper 


ラム肉ロースト用骨付き 1個

玉ねぎ 2個 微塵切り

ニンニク 4かけ 擦りおろし

トマトペースト 大さじ5

ターメリックパウダー 大さじ1


お水茹で用 900ml

お米 2号



lamb biryani recipe 1.JPG

Cut the lamb. Put olive oil in a pan and fry the onions and garlic. Add meat, turmeric powder and fry lightly.


lamb biryani recipe 2.JPG

Put tomato paste, chopped chillies, and water in a pot, bring to boil, cover, and simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. Fry the garlic and green beans in a frying pan.


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Add the fried beans and simmer for another 15 minutes. Boil the rice in a pot until it’s a semi-cooked, take it out, and strain it in a colander.


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Put rice and stewed lamb in a bowl. Gently mix with a fork. Put olive oil in a pot, add rice and sprinkle half a cup of water around the rice. Cover and start on medium heat, then reduce to a low heat when it starts to steam. Steam for about 30minutes and done.


Yuka Shyegun