Japanese Hamburger Steak


Japanese Hamburger Steak

Ingredients : For 6 meat patties

250g Beef mincemeat 

250g Pork mincemeat 

1 onion finely chopped 

4 garlic minced

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of pepper 

3 eggs

3/4 cup of bread crumbs 

Olive oil for frying the patty

(Sauce ingredients)

8 Tablespoons tomato sauce

8 Tablespoons thick Japanese worcestershire sauce (Otafuku yakisoba sauce)

200ml water 

3 Tablespoons red wine 

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoon pepper 

1 Tablespoon Parmesan cheese power


1 Tablespoon olive oil

20g butter (unsalted)

1 onion sliced


材料 : ハンバーグ 6個分

豚挽き肉 250g

牛挽き肉 250g

玉ねぎ 微塵切り 1個

ニンニク 4かけ すりおろし

塩 小さじ1

コショウ 小さじ2

卵 3個

パン粉 3/4 カップ


ケチャップ 大さじ8

中濃ソース 大さじ8

水 200ml

赤ワイン 大さじ3

塩 小さじ1

コショウ 小さじ1

パルメザンチーズパウダー 大さじ1


オリーブオイル 大さじ1

玉ねぎ スライス 1個

バター 20g

Japanese meat patty recipe 1.jpg

Finely chop the onions. Put minced meat, onions, garlic and salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well.


Japanese meat patty recipe 2.jpg

Add eggs and mix well, then add bread crumbs and mix again.


Japanese meat patty recipe 3.jpg

Make 6 oval shape patties. Lightly bake both sides of the patty in a frying pan over medium heat. Put them aside on the plate. Mix the ingredients of the sauce.


Japanese meat patty recipe 4.jpg

Heat 1tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onions. Add butter and the sauce and mix with patties. When it boils, cover and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Open the lid, flip the patty over, and simmer for another 5 minutes and done.


Yuka Shyegun