Vegan Gyoza with Tofu


Vegan Gyoza with Tofu : ビーガン餃子豆腐入り

Ingredients : 30 pieces 

1/4 Cabbage 

1 bundle of garlic chives 

3 Shallots 

2 carrots medium size 

10 - 12 Shiitake mushrooms 

200g Firm tofu

2 teaspoons garlic minced 

1 teaspoon ginger minced

30 sheets Gyoza pastry 

3 Tablespoons salt

***Seasonings for filling***

1 Tablespoon Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Sesame oil

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

2 Tablespoons corn starch

材料 : 約30個分

キャベツ 1/4

ニラ 一把

ネギ 3本

人参2本 サイズ中

椎茸 10 - 12個

木綿豆腐 200g

ニンニク摺り下ろし 小さじ2

生姜摺り下ろし 小さじ1

餃子の皮 30枚

塩 大さじ3


お醤油 大さじ1

ゴマ油 大さじ1

塩 小さじ1

砂糖 小さじ1


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Finely chop all vegetables.


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Put the chopped vegetables in a bowl, add 3 tablespoons salt and mix well. Leave it for 20 minutes until some water comes out from vegetables.


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Squeeze the vegetables with a hand to remove water and transfer to another bowl. Add garlic and ginger, then add tofu and mix well and add seasoning.


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Add corn starch and mix well, then prepare to wrap the gyoza.


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Take a gyoza pastry and place in the palm of your hand. Place the filling in the middle of a pastry. Add water around the outer edges of the pastry and fold it up into a half moon shape. Heat the frying-pan and add the sesami oil.


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Place the gyoza in a frying-pan. Cook until the bottom of gyoza turns golden brown, then add 1 cup of water to the pan. Put the lid and steam gyoza in medium heat until the water is evaporated.


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Take the lid off, and finally add 1 tablespoon of sesami oil into the pan to give a crispy finish and done.


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Make dipping sauce with soy sauce, chili, and a bit of vinegar and enjoy !

Yuka Shyegun